Monday, April 11, 2011

Windows open. Breeze blowing.

I'm sitting here with the windows open, the breeze blowing, listening to the Zac Brown Band {shush, don't judge me}, enjoying this beautiful 76 degree day, and I think it's safe to say that spring may finally be here. I know, I know... we are in Ohio, it could very well start snowing by morning {in which case I'm packing my suitcase and peacing out of this state} but... I'm going to be hopeful and say it's here to stay! {YAYY!! Doing a happy dance!!}

I'm so beyond ready for bonfires, dresses, sandals, dinners on the patio, talking walks, running outside, birthday season, MY birthday {feel free to begin thinking about my presents...hehe just playin'...kinda;)}, memorial day, the beginning of summer, windows open... you get the idea right? I'll stop now.

Ok, getting back to the point...I know I have been talking about spring fashion since well... last spring, probably. {if you haven't realized this yet, here is one fun fact about myself... I hate winter.} But I have really been inspired by all the color out this spring. It's giving me the "go spring clothes shopping itch" - have you ever gotten that? It's bad... real bad... So in order to soothe the itch I did a little cyber window shopping... and I'm dying for everything coral this season...

Here's a little peek of all my fun coral finds...
{also check out my friend Kori over at Blonde Episodes for her take on this fabulous spring color}

I want to drink coffee out of this mug... I think it would just taste even better.

I think I'd wear these every day.

Are you swooning yet? I know I am. I seriously could have gone on and on about this beautiful hue, BUT... I didn't want to bore you to tears... or for you to get COD {coral over dose} and run out to the mall and buy anything and everything in this color... we have to save some for everyone... ;)

What's your favorite color this spring??

Have a fabulous Monday, loves. I do hope the weather is great whereever you are this week!

Love always.


  1. Unfortunately I can't wait coral near my face, but love your picks. My fav colour this Spring? Duck-egg blue and of course white. Spring has arrived in Spain ( 28ºC today) so really ready for my Spring wardrobe.
    Have a lovely Monday!

  2. Looving coral. For some reason I'm really liking mauve & navy blue (even though they're more fall colors). YELLOW too!

  3. First off-I love Zac Brown so I would never judge you for that :) Secondly-LOVE Coral..and actually, I am hosting a giveaway in the next week or two that involves something in coral. You will have to be sure to check it out. Have a wonderful day girl.


Leaving me some love?! Why thank you!!