Monday, May 30, 2011

Miscellany Monday {The 3 day weekend edition}

Happy Memorial Day kiddies!

Are you out BBQing {yup, made up this word.} it up?! 
I ate lots of yummy food at graduation parties yesterday. And enjoyed some adult beverages as well. 

Well, it may feel like a warm and sticky Sunday but guess what?! It's Monday!! So that means it's time for Miscellany Monday at lowercase letters!! 

And I kinda love this link party - gives you a chance to catch up - on all the randomness you didn't care about but now know! ;)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Yesterday while out for a beer drink run we came across this adorable beagle. He was sitting in the middle of the road - in the country. This. Is. Dangerous. He was so cute, but sitting in front of three houses... we couldn't come up with a consensus as to whether he needed rescued or not. He was there when we drove back too - but we couldn't get him, he was barking and running. So sad... I hope the puppy was just out for a walk that day and not really homeless.

2.  I'm watching the Today Show right now with Hoda and Kathy Lee. I have a love/hate relationship with this segment. I enjoy it - but Kathy Lee drives me bonkers. She keeps calling Hoda, Hoda Woman... why?! Who told her that was a cool thing to say?! On national TV?! Ughhh!
Shut up Kathy Lee Woman! ;)

3. I really want to lay out today {I'm sitting here writing this in my bathing suit and cover up} but it looks HOTTT outside. Already. Laying out is such hard work - takes so much patience. I don't have patience. Well, not much anyhow. What to do, what to do?!

4. I need to break up with Pinterest. It consumes my time. {and blog, I apologize #notreallysorry}

5. I find myself wanting to use Twitter hashtags in texts, emails, and on Facebook. What is wrong with me?!!?!!? Twitter is taking over!!!! *sigh* #justsaying

6. Word on the street - we got a new dryer in our apt! This excites me beyond words {ours has been broken for a bit and we have been laundrymatting it for a while} finally the mountain of laundry in my room can cease to exist {and I can finally make my room pretty! Yayy!!}.

Happy Memorial Day lover butts! Go out there and soak up some sun, eat some delish food, and enjoy friends and family!

Love always. 


  1. ha ha ha about the whole twitter hashtages. A couple of weeks ago I did an entire miscellany monday using hashtags as the entries. So I get it. :)

    Have a wonderful rest of your monday!

  2. You are too cute! I share your obsession with Pinterest, obsessed!!!

    Enjoy the sun! Kinda jealous, it's cloudy and sad here . . . oh lovely Seattle weather! Lol

  3. That's so funny about Kathy Lee calling her Hoda woman! You made me laugh with that one:) Also about pinterest, I just started a friday linky with pinterest if you're interested!

    New follower, please stop on by..

  4. You crack me up! Kathy Lee drives me nuts too. Always has. I remember my mom watching her on Regis & Kathy Lee and she used to annoy the crap out of me then, ha!

    I so get you about that laying out/patience thing. I have NONE! I wish I did though...would be nice to have a nice, even tan!


Leaving me some love?! Why thank you!!