Friday, September 2, 2011

bare. naked. truth.

Hey kittens! How are you?
So remember way back in the day when I used to blog all the time?
Yea, I do too.
Those were the good ole days, right?
I like to think I took a little summer hiatus. {complete with big hats and sunglasses - just like the celebs do.}
And I'm baaaaaack!!!

I thought it'd be fun to reintroduce myself a bit {hence the silly faces - what better way to kick off a 3 day weekend than to look at my goofy mug 11 times... Ok, a bit much, I know... but it was fun!}

I have done a lot of thinking about my blog and about what I REALLY want it to be. When I first began blogging I didn't really know where I was going with it. I knew I wanted to blog - I like writing, I like talking, I like fashion... so I just sorta went with it; without any real direction.

There are so many amazing blogs out there {with even more amazing girls who I am proud to call my friends} and I think that as much as I love, love, love reading them {and talking with them on Twitter} I got kind of caught up in the numbers. I stopped blogging from the heart {like this post and the ones that went with it.} and started blogging for others. I became slightly obsessive with how many followers I had, how many comments I was getting, who I was linking up with... I stopped speaking from my heart.

And that's where I failed.

This place is supposed to be an outlet - an online journal if you will. I want it to showcase who I am. Who I am as a 28 year old woman, a daughter, a friend, an employee, a seamstress, a fashion obsessee, a single girl, a sister, an animal lover, just as a human.

Blogging can be such an amazing thing if used right. I have met some of the most creative and influential people since starting this {girls from all over that are in love with the same things as I am; girls that love spending hours behind a sewing machine; girls that are so insanely talented and creative.} However, I want someone to one day look at my little piece of internet real estate and be inspired and say "I love her blog. I can totally relate to her. I want to be her friend." ...and I want it to be because I am being me. And nothing but that.

So, that said - I'm going to be doing a little makeover on the bloggity blog... she's going to get a lil face lift - possibly a name change - and definitely a bit more personal direction. Please pardon my dust in the meantime.

Sorry for the ramblings... but thanks for listening dolls! {if you've read this far and didn't get distracted by all those lovely faces I was making!}

Have a wonderful Friday and an even better 3 day weekend!! The weather man said it's gonna feel like fall by Monday! I. Am. So. Excited!

Love always.

p.s. Mom, I hope you are reading this and I hope you are satisfied with my capitalization. ;)


  1. I'm so glad to read this post, and glad to see you making a return to the blog world. I have seen a trend lately on some of my favorite blogs that the ladies behind them are making a commitment to return to their own voice - kudos! I must admit, my often emotional, jaded, cynical voice will not make me overly popular or the home to hundreds of followers, but atleast I can say that it is truly me doing the talking, and that is all that one can expect. Nothing can take the place of someone who is being honest and themselves, so I'm glad you are one of them. Looking forward to seeing the "dust" and your blog makeover! You'll always have me as a reader, doll, so write from the heart.

  2. Amen! It's so easy to get caught up in followers, comments, etc. but then you get burnt out. We all need to be reminded why we first started blogging sometimes.

  3. Much easier to read.


    Your #1 Fan


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