Tuesday, November 29, 2011

{semi wordless wednesday} i love...

I have been the world's worst blogger this month. Ugh.

The holidays have taken over {which I LOVE}!

And I've been crazzzzyyyy busy at work helping Amy open her new photography studio in the Short North! So exciting and so proud of her! There's a HUGE grand opening party Saturday {if you are in the area... you should come out! Some seriously fun stuff happening!} It's been a really fun adventure helping her do this, so glad she has let me be a little part of it!

I have been overwhelmed by all these pretty things I keep seeing lately... I swear I fall in love wayy too easily with things {not boys, mind you... but things... and kittens.} And here they are... pardon me while I swoon over these pretties...

{p.s. I'm linked up with Daphne at Flip Flops and Pearls for Wordless Wednesday... and you should too!}



all images {via}

Happy Wednesday, loves!

Love always.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Always be thankful.

I think this is a good reminder for Thanksgiving Week...

Happy Monday, kittens!

Love always!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Five.

My Friday five... things I'm thankful for. {not in any specific order}

Life lessons...
I think sometimes we forget all too often that these are the things that are forming us each and every day. Whether they are big or small... they make me, me. I'm thankful for every laugh, every tear, every new friend and every old friend, every dumb question, every moment, every broken heart, every lesson that has brought me to where I am...and more importantly, who I am.

It's my escape. Everyone has their "thing" - and fashion is without question, mine. Perhaps superficial to some... but it's mine nonetheless. And I DIE for this woman. She is the epitome of style and glamour.

Having the best of both worlds is something I'm beyond thankful for. I can be in the city and I love my life here but having the ability to go home to the country is a good escape. The friends and family I have back at home are some of the most amazing people in the world. {I know, I say it a lot - but they are.} And I'm so thankful that I when I get to spend time with them.

Nail Polish...
I'm very thankful for this little gem. Whoever came up with paint for your finger nails was a genius, really. C'mon ladies, you know you are with me. Thank you beauty gods, thank you! ;-) p.s. I really want this Chanel shade... #dearsanta

Seriously, what did we ever do without it? Ten years ago I barely had a cell phone, now... I can't imagine being without it. Like right now... I'm texting, tweeting, and blogging... oh the multitasking that can be done. *sigh* Wait, is it sad that I'm so thankful for technology?! 

Oh well.

Happy Friday pretties!

What are you thankful for???

Love always.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guest Post: Meet Morgan from Gypsy Soul!

Ever have one of those days where you really have nothing to say? Nothing has inspired you, nothing exciting is happening, just kinda blahhh... 

Well, one of the BEST things about blogging is coming across other AWESOME bloggers who want to share a little bit of themselves in your little bloggy bubble. It's the cool thing to do, kids. So, get on it. 

I came across Morgan on Twitter actually - one of those "similar to you" sidebar things. And as it turns out, she's pretty cool and she's got a pretty cute little blog. She chats about fashion, travel, and all things girlie. What's not to love?

So she and I started tweeting and thought it'd be fun to do a little blog swap... Without further ado, meet Morgan...

Hey everyone! Im Morgan from Gypsy Soul!  

I'm somewhat new to the Bloggy world but, I recently became a reader of JacMarie and I'm hooked! Such inspiring and creative posts from this babe! I am particularly in love with those knit scarves of hers.

Ok so today I am going along with Jac’s November theme, Being Thankful! 

I think it is easy to forget about all the small things that we take for granted everyday: So, here’s my list... What are you all thankful for? 

Health: Health is something that most people (including me) take for granted, until something happens and brings it back to reality. I am thankful to be healthy, as well as the health of my family and friends!

My Parents/Family: I am so thankful to have the most supportive parents in the world!  They always put up with my craziness, and for that, I am thankful.

Puppies: I have a slight obsession with dogs.  Especially mine. I continually have to remind myself that she is not human.  I just want to take her everywhere, I constantly find myself talking to her in a baby voice (absurd, yes).  She brings so much joy, and I am so thankful for my little nugget!

Avocados: Ok, if your still reading this, you are probably like, this girl is crazy. But I love these fruits? Or is it a veggie? Not sure. But I eat them plain, but them on a sandwich, smash them up to make guacamole, (always order extra at Chipotle) it really doesn’t matter what form it is in, I’m in love and I’m so grateful that they exist.

Lastly, I am so thankful for my friends: I have met some pretty amazing people on this journey, some from super far away. And some really close to home.  Each one has a special place in my life.  I am so excited to grow up with such a fun cast of characters!

If you aren’t completely bored at this point, be sure to check out my Blog! I capture some fun moments traveling abroad, and my latest fashion obsessions! 

Xx Morgan 

Pop on over and check out this lovely doll's blog. You won't regret it. 

Happy Wednesday, pretties. 

Love always.

Monday, November 7, 2011

3 simple rules.

The rules are simple. Now make it count.

Happy Monday, babes. Let's make this week a good one!

Love always.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Five.

5 things I'm thankful for... {in no specific order}

Starbucks Peppermint Mocha
Seriously, what in the world was I drinking before this??? I pulled up to Starbucks this morning and was getting ready to order the usual {venti iced black tea - yea, I'm real boring} and then I saw all the new Holiday signage and me being me, I was intrigued... and so I ordered a skinny peppermint mocha. And my life was changed. Seriously people. In. Love.

My family and friends.
Yea, I know... it's the typical thing to be thankful for, right? Well, I have to say I have a pretty amazing one. It's this great group of people who are always there, always. Whether we are doing something great or if something catastrophic is happening, we have this support system that doesn't quit. It's a blessing {and sometimes a curse when you are trying to date guys and introduce them to these overprotective amazing people}. I thank my lucky stars everyday for my family and friends.

A roof over my head.

Who doesn't want to wake up to this adorable little face everyday?? Yea, yea, yea, I don't care if you aren't a "cat person" - he's flippin' adorable. {Go on, you can admit it.}  ;-)

It's become a passion, an outlet, a love of mine. I enjoy writing. I like sharing things I find interesting and pretty. I like to share what's inspiring me right now or what projects I'm working on at the moment. Whether it's read and enjoyed or not - I can't control - but I like to freedom of doing it. And saying whatever I want and not having to apologize for it.

What are you thankful for today??

Happy Friday, kittens. Hope you have an amazingggg weekend!

Love always.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Hart {er, Bilson} of Dixie.

Have you watched that show??
CW, Monday nights, city girl gone country... ringing a bell??

No? Well, it stars Rachel Bilson - and it's a decent show but nothing I'm completely into. However, it has sparked a reinterest {yes, I know that isn't a word - but it is now.} in this Hollywood Fashionista.

I'm not a huge fan of her acting, I'll be honest. I wasn't an OC fan {I know! The horror! *gasp*}. I'm not really into any movies she has been in, BUT the girl can dress.

And no, I don't think she is dressed by a stylist. I think she actually has style. Plus, she's gorgeous.

Have a looksie yourself...

Pictures from Nylon

What do ya think? She just has a real ease about her style. I can appreciate that.

Happy Thursday!

Love always.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Flats for a cause.

In the past I've tried to get down with Tom's, it's such a good cause and I wanted to support it {if you don't know their cause click here}. I've heard they are uber comfortable but I just never liked the look of them on my foot. 

BUT these flats... now that's something I can wear. I love wearing flats with leggings and skinny jeans. So when Spring '12 rolls around, you can bet I'll be rocking these bad boys. 

Happy hump day, kiddos!

Love always.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Male Polish.

As I was perusing the Refinery29 site tonight, I stumbled onto a story about Male Polish {cue the "huh?" look}.

And yes, it is EXACTLY as it sounds. Nail polish... for dudes.

I love nail polish and I love guys. But putting them together... not really something I can get on board with. However, thats just my humble opinion.

I just have a very hard time imaging sitting around with my boyfriend, brother, or hell even my dad and doing our nails together.

Times are certainly changing. {Wow, I just sounded old!}

What do you think? Can you see the guys in your life polishing their nails? Am I crazy to find this so odd?

Love always.