Tuesday, November 29, 2011

{semi wordless wednesday} i love...

I have been the world's worst blogger this month. Ugh.

The holidays have taken over {which I LOVE}!

And I've been crazzzzyyyy busy at work helping Amy open her new photography studio in the Short North! So exciting and so proud of her! There's a HUGE grand opening party Saturday {if you are in the area... you should come out! Some seriously fun stuff happening!} It's been a really fun adventure helping her do this, so glad she has let me be a little part of it!

I have been overwhelmed by all these pretty things I keep seeing lately... I swear I fall in love wayy too easily with things {not boys, mind you... but things... and kittens.} And here they are... pardon me while I swoon over these pretties...

{p.s. I'm linked up with Daphne at Flip Flops and Pearls for Wordless Wednesday... and you should too!}



all images {via}

Happy Wednesday, loves!

Love always.


  1. Stopping by from Flip Flop & Pearls! That candle is sooo pretty!!! Great pics. :)

  2. I love those two diamond stud earrings + her dyed hair!! So pretty! And I like that quote!
    Happy Holidays friend!!

  3. Stopping by for SWW! Love that cowboy boot picture and I have the same Eiffel Tower one on my pinterest! ;)


Leaving me some love?! Why thank you!!