Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Hart {er, Bilson} of Dixie.

Have you watched that show??
CW, Monday nights, city girl gone country... ringing a bell??

No? Well, it stars Rachel Bilson - and it's a decent show but nothing I'm completely into. However, it has sparked a reinterest {yes, I know that isn't a word - but it is now.} in this Hollywood Fashionista.

I'm not a huge fan of her acting, I'll be honest. I wasn't an OC fan {I know! The horror! *gasp*}. I'm not really into any movies she has been in, BUT the girl can dress.

And no, I don't think she is dressed by a stylist. I think she actually has style. Plus, she's gorgeous.

Have a looksie yourself...

Pictures from Nylon

What do ya think? She just has a real ease about her style. I can appreciate that.

Happy Thursday!

Love always.

1 comment:

  1. I love Rachel Bilson! She's so gorgeous and classy. Love her style!

    Found you through Follow Fest, check out my blog if you're interested! I'm hosting my first give-away!

    My Growing Obsessions


Leaving me some love?! Why thank you!!