Thursday, January 26, 2012

Learning the ropes.

I've recently began learning about photography, and have taken a great interest in it. I couldn't have a better teacher/mentor/friend to be learning from {Amy of Amy Clark Studios}. Amy's very esteemed in the photography world here in Columbus and I'm lucky to work with and learn from her.

This past weekend I borrowed her old Nikon and started playing around with it. It's like learning a new language, but I really enjoy it. My family and friends enjoy making fun of me and the random things I snap photos of... But hey, why not???

Take a lil peek of my randoms this weekend...

Mac - my momma's kitty. 

The view from my parents front door. 

 Me being silly in the mirror.

 My reflection in the front door.

How my brother, Hollie and I spent out Saturday evening. 


Nothing special but I'm loving it. Don't fret, you will see plenty more of my trials and errors of the photography world. 

What have you done that's new to you this year??

Happy Thursday, loves.

Love always.

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Leaving me some love?! Why thank you!!