Saturday, June 4, 2011

Guest Blog Post: Missy from Yellow Duck Cookies {Happy Bday Eve}

Hey pumpkins!
Happy Saturday, did y'all have a fun Friday evening?!
As I said yesterday it's Missy's birthday tomorrow and I thought it would be fun to have her guest blog on her birthday eve! {And we know that I LOVEEEEE birthdays and celebrate any way possible - so you know that's how we are doing hers!}
Here she goes...

Hello! My name is Melissa and Jackie asked me to guest blog on her site! I am a Fashion graduate from Ohio University and I own Yellow Duck Cookies.  I currently live in Columbus,Ohio. This blog is going to be the about the main things in my closet right now and just some of my fashion favorites.

- The color Marigold. I'm obsessed with this color! My purse is this color and the cardigan I own this color I wear constantly. My favorite colors to match it with are Royal Blue and Plum Purple.

- FLATS! I am starting to become very fond of Mary Jane inspired strappy flats. They have such a vintage and girly feel to them. I wear flats with everything and they have taken over my flip flop love and let me tell you that is serious.

- Vintage inspired summer dresses. You will more likely never find me in a skin tight sexy dress. It's just not me. I love high waisted girly cute dresses. They are the most flattering on me and the most comfortable. My birthday is next week, any of these will do :)

- I'm not looking forward to the humidity and heat at all because this means my tights are going away for awhile. I've been trying to stay out of the tanning bed and wearing these tights have helped with the paleness I hate! Tights bring so much character to an outfit.

- My style icon is Sherri Dupree Bemis from the band Eisley. I first saw them open for Snow Patrol in 2004 and have been a huge fan since. She is a very confident person and dresses and does her style at her own will. I've seen her in every hair color and in outfits I would have never even thought of then been like wow that is adorable. She inspires my daily fashion an she is just quite adorable in every aspect. This is someones closet i would love to have! Yep that's my girl crush! Haha

This past year I've been very nostalgic with my fashion. I love Mary Janes and ballet flats from my childhood. I have found myself loving Minnie Mouse and Hello Kitty again... And I've seen it in all the stores. I would kill to still fit in these outfits!!!


I hope you enjoyed my guest blog as much as I loved writing it! Have a great week!


Fun right?! Hope you guys enjoyed it and have a fabulous Saturday!!!!

Love always.

1 comment:

Leaving me some love?! Why thank you!!